I am working on the vehicle rules for The Wasted Hack, but I am also working on something else, aside from the One Page Dungeon Contest.
Currently there are nine playable classes (three warrior types, two types of clerics, two types of thieves, and two types of wizards).
Classes have nine basic and nine advanced specials to choose from, and a whole slew of universal specials, which is a slight upgrade from The Wasted Hack.
Classes gain exploding damage at level five, to keep up with high HD monsters, and the ability to upgrade damage to use multiple smaller dice (increasing the likelihood of exploding damage at these higher levels).
I have been working on this since I started the Wasted Hack, it was meant to page-for-page parallel development but it fell behind pretty quickly. I am only working on this project intermittently, while I devote most of my focus on the vehicle rules, but once they are done, I will likely work on this exclusively for a bit as it is capturing my imagination.
I received the print proof for "The Unearthed Hack", and the page numbers were cut off. Also, it seemed so short that I would likely need to add several pages before I felt good about making it "Print On Demand", even if the page numbers had not been fragged. In many ways it served as a precursor to the fantasy game, and many of the elements will be adapted and pulled over to "Wolf Thrower" in the end.
What's in a name? the title "Wolf Thrower" comes from the lore of the earliest humans, struggling to survive in the Blood-Soaked Plains, and comes directly from the earliest human hero.
In reality, my brother was visiting, and I asked him if he needed me to get anything ahead of time. He asked me to buy "wolf thorn" body wash as he couldn't bring it on the plane. The phone connection was poor, and I thought he said "Wolf Thrower". The name stuck with me.